I want you to live a life of vitality, connection and deliciousness.
I'm Julia Paulette Hollenbery.
Let me guide you back home
to your joyous body, self and life.

Is This You?
If you find that being a grown-up is not nearly as much fun as you hoped it would be…
If your work is boring and stressful, if your relationships are disappointing…
If you miss the instinctual intuitive connection to life you had as a child…
If you feel you are living a smaller life than is your birthright…
Join me for a journey into the Universe of Deliciousness.
Let The Big You Out!
I work with individuals and groups, guiding people to rediscover their instinctual intelligence and love of life. When we become intimately aware of our body and feelings, the moment opens up – to pleasure, sensual relationship, true guidance and creative power. Anything is possible...
"Julia Hollenbery is a unique voice: her call to inhabit our bodies fully, to become aware of and attend to the delight inherent in every moment, speaks to our deepest sense of ourselves. She shows us a way of being in the world that is nothing short of revolutionary.”
Alison Jones, Host of The Extraordinary Business Book Club

Your Guide
An experienced spiritual therapist, bringing to every interaction an extraordinary quality of attunement and a deep, innate wisdom for practical healing and wholeness.
My capacity is to really see people, in a way that they have probably never been seen before, profoundly with acceptance and love.
With Grinberg Bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy, Constellations and Kashmiri Tantra, and expertise in a wide range of spiritual traditions such as shamanism, sufism, kabbalah, gurdjieff and inquiry, I can help you envision and embody your unique potential.
I am your guide to feeling at home in your self, your body and life.