"A fun and engaging teacher"

"A fun and engaging teacher"

Julia Hollenbery

Soulful Guide

I was a sad child living the dark night of the soul. Yet inside I felt my bigness and knew life could be wonderful. At 18 everything broke down. I set out on a huge transformational journey determined to become the person I knew I really was...

Today I'm an experienced healer, teacher, and author of the highly recommended internationally published book, 'The Healing Power of Pleasure: Seven Medicines for Rediscovering the Innate Joy of Being'. I love to share my love of the mystery, real sensual relationships and the life of the body.

I'm passionate about helping people embrace the joy of life by tuning into the wisdom of their own body. In my work I blend Grinberg Bodywork, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Constellations with my expertise in a wide range of spiritual traditions including Sufism, Shamanism, Tantra, Kabbalah, Gurdjieff work and Inquiry.

My unique capacity is to see people in a way they have probably never been seen before, profoundly with acceptance and love. I bring to every interaction an extraordinary quality of attunement and a deep, innate wisdom for practical healing and wholeness. I guide people to envision and embody their unique potential.

I'm passionate about helping people embrace the joy of life by tuning into the wisdom of their own body.

I live in London with my boyfriend and my teenage daughter. I love to dance wildly, kickbox and be on the beach.


This work is an opportunity to remember what you already know and to be who you really are.

For over twenty five years I worked as a body therapist in professional private practice, for individuals with a variety of emotional and physical symptoms. I gained much experience of the human condition.

In this role my formal education was put into practice - a degree in English Literature, a three year course in the Grinberg Method of Bodywork (Israel), a two year course in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (Karuna Institute, Devon) and a two year course in Family Constellations, a kind of body Psychotherapy (CSISS, London.)

The work I am now offering comes from my constant contact with the invisible world, gift of instinctual knowing and hard-won personal transformation. It is what I know of the mystery. An initiation prepared me: In 2010 I experienced an intense crisis (my mother died, my daughter was born, I was a single parent with little support.) Afterwards I felt somehow 'ready' and began holding groups at the end of 2011, finding out what was to be done...

I now live in London with my boyfriend and teenage daughter. My "highly recommended" book was published last year. I offer individual sessions and teach week long retreats. I feel blessed. My unique capacity is to really see people, in a way that they have probably never been seen before, profoundly with acceptance and love.


This work is supported by my informal education with spiritual teachers. Gratitude to Jim Moore (Gurdjieff), Baba Ram Dass (Ayurveda), Llewellyn Vaughn Lee (Sufism), Judith Hemming (Constellations), Judith Seelig (Yoga), A. H. Almaas (Ridhwan), Mirabai Devi (New Paradigm), Michaela Boehm (Tantra), John Oakley (Kabbalah) and others.

As a conduit for the Divine Feminine, my approach is receptive, inclusive and interactive. It is my pleasure, my contribution in service to the whole.