Most people are divided, split between mind and body.

Modern culture and society has encouraged that, with ideas of heaven above and earth below. And when individuals are hurt by life’s events, they try to protect themselves by not feeling their own body, and instead seeking help from the outside.

We ourselves are the walking wounded, the disembodied zombies projected onto movie screens…

Therapist, Stress Relaxation, Spiritual Health, Spiritual, Therapeutic Touch, Hands on Therapy, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki Healing in ArchwayHealing is a process of integration

Healing is a process of integration – accepting, acknowledging, loving all the different parts of ourselves, while at the same time giving them their rightful proportionate place within our whole.

My work is bringing people back into their body. It is grounding. In my presence, people often feel safe enough to show their real self. They are comfortable enough to feel their own physical sensations and their own repressed feelings. First through skilled conversation and then through respectful touch, people drop their defensive protective masks, and begin to show-up, eyes shining, hearts open, bodies deeply relaxing, real and present to right now. It is a very beautiful thing to behold…

Life is lived through the body, within the physical material world. It is where life really takes place. It is where we need to be, the location of reality, relationship, beingness and action. Spirit is not actually something separate – it is located right here within the form of our own body and on the earth.

My work invites people to make their return from fragmentation back into their body, to their life on earth, and into contact with the innate love we all are inside.

A personal healing journey…

A healing journey can take a person on many twists and turns, exploring this therapy and then that… At different times and stages, people may need different kinds of healing interventions for different aspects. People often come to see me when they have done psychotherapy or tantra or shamanic journeying or another kind of spiritual work that has helped them (and has maybe taken them into an over-complicated, self-involved or disembodied realm.)… That piece of work was necessary for them to do then… perhaps now something different is required for their next personal evolutionary step…

In many traditions, spiritual work begins only when one is 40, grounded in the practical world, and not before. Today the busy and active ‘spiritual’ marketplace caters for clients of all ages and stages. It is relatively easy to get ‘lost’ on a modern spiritual path sampling this and that, when there is no wise teacher to guide through the various steps, only oneself to choose between the various offerings.

Many years ago a shamanic craniosacral therapy teacher said that my gift is to heal people who have been traumatised, when they have tried some other therapies, I would be their last safe port of call.

Another bodywork teacher, many years before that, told me that I had absolutely no idea of what would come out of me in the future, that I had received gifts and capabilities not many people receive.

The adventure of becoming embodied

When I turn up to work with my clients, despite all of my trainings and experience, I am still always surprised at what happens for people. Because in truth, I don’t really know what happens or what I am doing when I work… I just do it. But I know that people get very good results, they feel much better.

Some people can breathe again, feeling positively calm and different…. others feel expanded with their real-self spark back… and some others report seeing purple light… Being more in one’s body is never boring, never dull, and never static. It is in my experience a rather wonderful adventure of personal evolution…

For a taste of this adventure, book a day retreat or in-depth session with me. Next retreat Sunday January 31st: The Potency of Stillness

Julia Paulette Hollenbery
Julia Paulette Hollenbery
Julia Paulette Hollenbery is an Embodied Spirituality Teacher, Speaker and Author. Her book, 'The Healing Power of Pleasure: Seven Medicines for Rediscovering the Innate Joy of Being' is internationally published by Findhorn Press and is available to buy everywhere. Julia offers group workshops and individual sessions, bringing people into their authentic joyful confidence, for happy relationships, productive work and vibrant health. She has worked with numerous clients over 25 years, with The Grinberg Method, Craniosacral Therapy, Family Constellations and Kashmiri Tantra. She sees people in a way they have probably never been seen before, profoundly with acceptance and love. She invites people to envision and embody their potential. Julia is passionate about sharing her life-long love of the mystery, real sensual relationship and the life of the body. She is mother of a fiery young daughter, loves to dance wildly and spend quiet time in forests and oceans.

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