How are things for you right now? Do you feel wobbled? There is a palpable collective sense of uncertainty, insecurity, of feeling vulnerable.
It is clear that ‘the old’ has completed and ‘the new’ is now starting… Do you feel this perhaps in your work or relationship, family or self-identity? I want to encourage you especially now, to trust yourself and to trust life. Despite the feeling of anxiety, all now is deeply well.
Recently I have been feeling a great mixture of vulnerable and powerful. It has taken quite some inquiry to understand that these are not either/or states, one better and one worse, one identity to be proud of and present publicly, the other to be ashamed of and hide. These two aspects are often both present in all of us in the same moment… true vulnerability is very powerful… true power is honestly vulnerable….
I have been discovering that when I am in touch with the truth of my vulnerability, I feel stronger than when bluffing. I would like to encourage you now, when feeling unsure about something, to simply pause. Stop doing. Stop trying so hard. Be kind to yourself and give yourself what you need. Perhaps rest, food, silence, nature, time alone or time with others. Trust that all is well. That your current fear is not the same perhaps as your old historical sense of unsettledness. You are not now in any danger. You are safe. We have all done some healing in the last several years, and now as we shift between paradigm eras, uncertainty is triggered… When you rest (not giving energy to an idea of how you think you ‘ought’ to be) and allow yourself to really feel your feelings, you come into contact with something other than what you might have been expecting… That is the gold dust now. The heart of being a vulnerable and powerful individual in relationship with others.
My sense is that this allowing of real feeling, is the ‘currency’ of the imminent new future. The way we can best, each person, positively interact with the world around us.
The world is in trouble because of the habits of greed and pretence, strategy, lies and manipulation. Most men and women live the ingrained patriarchal approach – me me me and now now now. My sense is the incoming paradigm will have a feminine flavour, meaning us all changing outlook and habits, to being more honest, inclusive, co-operative, aware, vulnerable, responsible and much more sensate.
The divine feminine way is something I innately know about and will help to facilitate.
This is a time of profound change. Everyone is talking about it from their different angle, wether they are an economist, politician, astrologer or scientist – this is the time that the ancient and indigenous people spoke about, the time when we choose our destiny, individually and collectively.
This now is when we humans might together choose chaos and destruction of planet earth – or we might choose to collaborate together creating a golden outcome that is good for us all. The ‘fashionable’ current colours of orange pink gold seem to me more than just fashion – expressing something of the qualities of this deep internal movement, a new dawn, a new beginning…
Autumn/Winter 2016 is a time for resting, eating well and treating ourselves as kindly as possible. Old identities are dropping away while we wait for the new to become apparent, for the energy to rise for our unique contribution to the new! We are all needed, all of our different gifts are needed!
Many of us have walked not easy paths… sensitive, artistic, connected to the mystery, perhaps misunderstood and rejected, labelled as crazy… self-identified as too much this or not enough that.
I have walked perhaps a similar path to the one you are on now. My healing journey has been slow as I have discovered what actually works and what is nonsense or worse spiritual imbalance and deception.
My offering, from this hard-won place of grounded self-authority, overflowing with love and good energy, is to walk with you, along the delicate and sometimes bumpy path towards health, reality and manifestation. By us working together now, things can be different, quickly! We can bring your creativity, connection and inspiration to life. I share my lived experience, spot-on instinctual knowing and enriching embodying approach for your transformation.
Let’s participate in the incoming era of uncertainty and challenge with the capability of being truly at home in ourselves. Open in our human vulnerability and fears, failings and faults, hopes, potential, purpose and actions.
Let’s do the internal work of healing ourselves, improving our ability to work together with others on the upcoming practical challenges of politics, global warming and migrant populations.
If you would like my accompaniment as you negotiate your endings, worries and hopes, please contact me for an in-depth personal session or group of healing dialogue, bodywork, alchemy and ritual.
Onwards, the journey continues.
Alan Watts
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